
Our lab seeks to generate weed biology and ecology information that can be used  to develop and implement integrated approaches for weed management that promote crop health and growers’ profitability while minimizing negative environmental impacts.
Our research focuses on describing how agricultural management affects weed behavior at the community, population, and species levels. We combine traditional agronomic field research approaches with molecular tools, UAVs, imaging technologies, and modeling to develop tools that help weed managers to monitor changes in weed populations and better time weed control actions. Furthermore, we work on the development of genetic tools for weed control.


Structure-from-Motion for 3-D Canopy Characterization

Weed Emergence and Phenology Modeling

Rapid Evolution of Weedy Traits


Breeding of Cereal Rye for High Allelopathy and Weed Suppression



Identification of Genetic Targets for Molecular Weed Control
using Gene Silencing and Protein Degradation 



Use of UAVs and Imaging Analysis for Weed Mapping and Site-Specific Management


Effects of Agricultural Management Diversification on Weed Population Dynamics