Manuel Camacho


Current: Ph.D. Crop Science, North Carolina State University.
Advisor: Ramon Leon
Co-Advisor: Travis Gannon

M.Sc. Soil Science (High honors). University of Costa Rica. 2014-2016
Major Professor: Rafael Mata.

Licenciatura (Advanced degree after B.Sc.). Agronomy (High honors). University of Costa Rica. 2012-2013.

B.Sc. Agronomy. University of Costa Rica. 2006-2012.

Academic and Professional Experience

Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, North Carolina State University. 2018- present.

Soil Survey. Land planning. Rural Development Institute of Costa Rica. 2016.

Assistant Professor. Edaphology and Soil Mechanics, Department of Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems. University of Costa Rica. 2015-2016.

Research Assistant. Natural Resources Laboratory at Agronomic Research Center. University of Costa Rica. 2007-2016.Soil Survey. Borinquen Geothermic Project. Electricity Institute of Costa Rica. 2012.

Soil Physics Applications on Weed Research

Knowledge of soil physical properties is fundamental in agricultural and environmental sciences and provides valuable information to understand and solve problems related to weed management and weed ecology. My research focuses on two areas:

  • the study of soil hydraulic properties like soil permeability and soil water holding capacity to better explain herbicide movement and fate in the soil
  • modeling variations in seed germination responses to hydrothermal-time depending on soil texture and soil matrix potential