Eric Jones


Present            Ph.D. in Crop Science; with emphasis in Weed Science, North Carolina State University Advisers: Wesley J. Everman and Ramon G. Leon
May 2018        M.S. in Crop Production and Physiology; with emphasis in Weed Science, Iowa State University
Advisers: Micheal D. K. Owen and Robert G Hartzler
Dec. 2015        B.S. in Agronomy; with emphasis in Crop Production, Magna Cum Laude, Iowa State University
July 2013        A.S. in Liberal Arts and Sciences, Des Moines Area Community College

Academic and Professional Experience

2018-Present   Graduate Research Assistant, Crop and Soil Sciences Department, North Carolina State                                                University, Raleigh, North Carolina
2016-2017       Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
2016-2018       Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
2014-2015       Undergraduate Research Assistant, Department of Agronomy, Iowa State University, Ames,                                          Iowa
2014-2015       Field Development Intern, Bayer CropScience


Determine the longevity of glufosinate efficacy on Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in North Carolina
The efficacy of many herbicides are being diminish due to the evolution of herbicide-resistant weeds. Palmer amaranth has evolved resistance to the majority of row crop herbicides used in North Carolina. The evolution of resistance to glufosinate, a nonselective herbicide, has yet to occur in Palmer amaranth and farmers will likely begin to rely on glufosinate to control herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth. If any selection agent used extensively and recurrently, a population shift is likely to occur. Thus, if glufosinate is solely relied for weed control, Palmer amaranth populations will gradually shift from glufosinate-susceptible to glufosinate-resistant. Our research objective is to:

  • Determine the state-wide Palmer amaranth susceptibility to glufosinate
  • Evaluate the current usage of glufosinate and farmer perception on the evolution of glufosinate-resistant weeds in North Carolina
  • Develop a rapid herbicide resistance assay for confirming glufosinate resistance in Palmer amaranth
  • Study the biology and ecology of putative glufosinate-resistant Palmer amaranth